Our Process
Our construction process is simple; we listen to our clients. Whether your project is a remodel, a renovation/addition, a design/build, or a new home construction, Grove Park Fine Homes will take the time to listen to your goals and expectations for your home. We take that information and assimilate it with your Architect’s and Designer’s ideas and create a built form that is a product of your wants, needs and personality. Grove Park Fine Homes is completely dedicated to your project, from start to finish.At Grove Park Fine Homes, our presence on a building project means that good things happen, and all parties' interests are considered. We work to keep regular communication open between the owner, the architect, the engineers, the local building department, and the members of our construction team. We provide information needed for key decisions, and assure that decisions are made when needed. We strive to keep the project on track to achieve a finished product that best reflects the client’s goals, dreams and aspirations.
Call 828-243-0701 or contact us online for more information about our Custom Home Building and Construction services.